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Fertilizer DAP

DAP-Diammonium Phosphate has 18% nitrogen and 46% P2O5. It is the fertilizer which has high element nitrogen and phosphate.

In Afghanistan alkaline soil-DAP has NH3 when we use Dap the soil Ph will come down and some nutrient elements as Fe, Zn become available for crops.

  • The first growing step crops need more phosphate. Crops used 50% of their necessary phosphorus when they grow 20%.
  • Benefits of DAP more than other phosphate fertilizers.
  • It has a very high total nutrients and also effective as pH of soil comes down in Afghanistan soils.
  • Every crop has specific physiology and different type of roots to obtain their necessary nutrient from soil solution.
  • For example crops which have weak roots systems can’t obtain their necessary phosphorus from far distance of soil solution, for this purpose they need more phosphorus to grow strong and complete at other stage of growing periods.
  • If we compete DAP and two other phosphate fertilizer which are found in mostly bazaars (Nitrophos and Ammoniated Super Phosphate) for economically and affectivity the Afghanistan soils DAP has more benefits then other two fertilizers.

fertilizer chart.

In the table we find that DAP is economically beneficial then Nitrophos and also NP, for vegetable like. .potato, tomato, egg plants etc has less effect then DAP because vegetable need more phosphorus


DAP picture-1.


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